Sunday, September 8, 2013

1 Month Old!

Today you are one month old!  I look over at you sleeping and it's really hard to believe...from how much you've grown, to being able to see some of your personality come out, to seeing how you fit into the family.

We didn't do a whole lot this weekend, beyond venturing out (all 5 of us!) to Michael's to get a few craft supply type things.  It was actually a pretty decent trip, seeing as how this was the first time we'd all been out to a store before (we've all been out to the aquarium, the science museum and so on).

Tomorrow is your one month well check, so I'm sure I'll have more stats then  I think you've done some pretty good growing in the past month...maybe breaking the 8lb mark already?  I think you've gotten longer too, and the clothing that we first bought for you (or got as a gift) is already starting to fit differently.

In any case, here's the attempt at 1 month pictures (still taking them every day...but today was also posed with a number one!  And a bear...).

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